Mission Statement
The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.”
Vision Statement
The NSBE experience empowers members to reach their full professional and academic potential. Members’ fulfilling their full potential enables them to continue the legacy of great chapter leaders and members that have passed through Texas Tech. We instill pride in our members while adding value to their lives. With NSBE, our members learn how to be academically and professionally ready for life after college.

Chapter Objectives
Increase Involvement.
Increase NSBE’s Involvement at Texas Tech and in the Lubbock Community Through Vigorous Community Service Projects and Events.
Reestablish Partnerships.
Reestablish Our Partnerships With Local High Schools in Order to Foster Interest in Engineering and Applied Sciences Among Minority and Lower-Income Students and to Advocate the Benefits of Attending College
Academic Improvement.
Increase the Number of Chapter Members With a GPA of 3.0 or Better by 50%
Provide Chapter Members With Even More Internships, Co-Op, or Entry-Level Opportunities
Increase the Chapter’s Corporate Exposure and Accessibility
Membership Retention.
Increase the Active Chapter Membership by 20% and Undergraduate Retention by 35%
Convention Attendance.
Increase the Amount of Member Attendance to Regional and National Conventions by at Least 20%